INDUSTRY sheepskin suede leather INDUSTRY KASTORIA
leather clothing beaver, fur Kastoria
leather accessories beaver, laboratory fur KASTORIA
vests, bags, belts KASTORIA
The crafts and leather goods store Mr. Dimitris Biljali Kastoria operating for many years, have given new meaning to the leather and fur and have made us a very good and affordable prices, look at furs and leather with another eye.
Kastoria fur crafts and crafts leather Biljali Dimitri.
Our main occupation is production of quality leather garments and accessories for wholesale and retail.
The crafts produces leather products can be custom size order, to suit everyone.
The size of the leather is very important because you have to apply and do not disturb.
Choose leather items to your dimensions.
We know that we and clothing repairs.
Through the huge range available you can find us:
Leather jackets for men and women
Leather coat for men and women
Furs of all types
Mouton men and women
Fur vests Women
Men's leather jackets and sheepskin
Leather belts
Bags leather
Sheepskin gloves for men, women
Fur collar
Fur scarves
Leather bags for men and women
Men's leather hats jockey
Men's sheepskin hats
Women's fur hats
Leather skirts